Why you should pay annually not monthly?

Some monthly payments will have an added fee, however, if you pay upfront you’ll receive discount or an incentive. You ultimately pay less upfront than you would if you pay monthly.

Calculating invoices

Benefits of paying annually


Your provider is likely see you as a loyal customer due to the fact that you have committed to them for a year, paying upfront.

One-time payment

Rest assured once you have paid up front, it is more convenient as it requires only one invoice per year.


Annual billing is easier to manage.

piggy bank

Cheaper packages

Discounts are always applied when paying upfront.

Low accountancy costs

Reduces your monthly accounting costs as you don’t need to facilitate monthly payments.

Disadvantages of paying monthly


More paperwork to complete, especially if your provider needs to check your credit score.

Risk of going into overdraft

If you choose to pay monthly via direct debit, you have to ensure that there are sufficient funds in your account to cover the payment - otherwise it may lead to an overdraft.

cartoon man thinking

Your credit score could be at risk

If you decide to change your bank account whilst paying monthly, you have to ensure your direct debit from your old bank account changes over to your new bank account - If you fail to do this, it can cause serious implications on your credit score. 

High costs

Paying monthly overall costs more than what you would pay annually. 

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